Norfolk Way Art Trail

A 250 mile long trail featuring 5 public art new commissions.

Designed to provide an innovative out of season tourism offer for Norfolk, the project identified specific sites across the county to be enhanced as cultural destinations.

This new 250-mile-long art trail includes 5 new commissions in phase one. The trail is designed to provide an innovative out of season tourism offer for Norfolk. Each site brief was designed in response to community consultation and the artists were allocated funds within their budget to ensure a local community group was creatively engaged in the development process.

On behalf of Creative Giants, Sam supported the client team and the selected artists to develop their proposals, manage partnership & stakeholder relationships, curate the trail, developing commission contracts, CDM oversight, through to executive oversight of each installations delivery programmes.

Creative Giants led on the outline programme for Norfolk Way Art Trail, as well as consulting on the development of two additional permanent light installations for Norwich.


Studio Sabine Marcelis

Studio Maetherea


Commissioner: Norfolk County Council

Video credit: Norfolk County Council & JH Film Productions.

Image credit: Ash Hatton (Creaative Photography)

A cultural offer for the changing seasons…


Coventry Train Station


A Site for Sore Eyes