Co-op(t) is a multi-layered project.

Firstly and simply, Co-op(t) is the first in a series of art events that bring together artists from across the globe who are responding to divisiveness and are looking toward a new future. It seeks to cross the boundaries of experimental art and a great night out. It’s an Arty Party. 

Secondly Co-op(t) is a narrative experience designed by Sam to encourage conversation around the importance of voting and the problematic nature of referendums. It questions the damaged nature of modern democracy and takes from contemporary solutions such as deliberative democracy, sortition democracy, and stakeholder systems such as co-operatives to propose a new fictitious model for democratic decision making.  

Finally, Co-op(t) is a collaborative platform. It seeks to support, network and foster artists from all areas of the the creative industries to find new ways of working together.

Developed in collaboration with Cara Pickering and Lewis Spencer.

Exhibiting artists:

Riccardo Baggio, Stefano Luchetti, Manolo Liuzzi, Mark Andrews, Teri Andrews, Catherine Frier, Taber Calderon, Jérôme Bizien, Sam Williamson Matthew Tremaine, Laurence Jephcote,  Johnny Nicholds,  Sid + Jim, Ben Yau, Russell Frost, Willie Rob, Adam Neale, Klaus Pinter, Emily Hale, Anne Forgan, Anne & Max Forgan,  Sam Williams,  Lewis Spencer, Hannah Sutherland, Angry Margerat, Daniel Djamo, Fallon Mayanja.


Brought to Light


Use it or Lose it